Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Mummy's entry - Finally!

Finally, my little one is sleeping through the night for the last one month ever since we moved Rye Li and her into their room. Well, nearly (and I’m not complaining as this is so much better that the 3-4 times she used to wake up through the nights!). She now sleeps from 9 plus pm till 5-6am and that is when she will start asking for her nen-nen. If I chose to ignore her, she will kick and cry and if I do not give in to her, she will eventually stop and go back to sleep.

This was how I have trained her and since Rye Li could sleep through her cries, I chose to ignore her. I guess those several months of suffering is finally paying off.

I will give in to her at 6am as this past one-month, I have to wake up at 6am to give her, her nen-nen and prays she’ll latch off by 6-45am. If she doesn’t, I will tell her that nen-nen has finished and she will either go back to sleep or will cry for a while before she falls back to sleep. I need to wake Rye Li up at 7am to prepare her for school and I myself will be rushing to get myself ready for work before leaving the house by 7-45am. And all this will change next month as Rye Li starts school at 8am then and I will need to leave the house by 7-30am.

I plan to wean Haye Li totally off my boobs in May as June onwards, I will not have a maid and I will have to do the little laundry work in the mornings too and also the preparation for school and day-care at nights.

And for the record, both hubby and I have also moved into their room with the girls. Hubby sleeps with Rye Li on the upper bed, while Haye Li and I sleep on the lower bed (the drawer type). LOL! I will wait till Haye Li is fully off my boobs and that she can sleep through till 7am or so before claiming back my room. But I think it will be tough as hubby travels a lot and I’m not used to sleeping on my own already ever since I became a mother. So lucky for Haye Li, she will have me by her side for a while. ;)


A Mom's Diary said...

Whoa!!! Haye-Li still suckles for 45mins? I hate rushing in the mornings too, so will try to get everything ready the night before. But more often then not, whenever I put the girls to sleep, I myself will fall asleep with them, so end up have to rush like mad woman in the morning.

KittyCat said...

OMG!!! What long suckling!!! Now I understand what you mean about sleeping through the night etc.

But good job getting the girls to sleep in their room. Hubby plans to sleep with the boy in his/their room and leave me with the girl in our room. We'll see...

My girl needs the boobs to go to sleep in the evenings and I'll unlatch myself once she nods off.

But the process of getting her to sleep is such a nightmare - she screams BLOODY MURDER if my Mum goes near her.

She wants ME and only ME. Sigh, I can't travel for work even if I want to because my Mum can't put her to bed...