Friday, August 28, 2009

What's new?

I'm walking several steps now, as many as 10-20 steps. I love it when I keep falling down (when I'm on the bed thats is) that I'll laugh when I fall down. When i started standing up unaided at 9 months old, that few weeks to come, I practised at standing up on my own....

this was taken when I was having a viral infection which saw me having fever for about 4 days or so 2 weeks back.

and I practised more when I'm bathing too...

It's tough to take a video of me walking but mummy will try soon okay?!

My paternal grandparents were down two weeks back and I took some photos with my Ah Kong. I love watching TV and I can sit quiet for a good 15 minutes if I'm with the right the company and nothing else can get my attention. Mummy said it's definitely my papa's genes here.

Stay tuned for more photos to come, you cannot believe at how I'm being a model case for Mummy lately. She follows me around like I'm some kind of star or something.

1 comment:

Health Freak Mommy said...

Wow, so fast can walk? Hooray! She reminds me of Baby C when she started to walk.