Sunday, July 26, 2009

what can i do at 9 months?

i can stand unaided, for several seconds before i fall on my butt-butt - think i can walk soon?!

i cruise along the house a whole lot now - don't seem to understand why my family shouts at me (yes, even my cher-cher)

i got 4 teeth now, 2 upper front and 2 lower front - i like biting mummy (and boy, can she scream!)

i do look goofy eh

i got a bad temper - mummy stares at me in awe at how i can kick and kick and kick while i scream & cry

i sure can cry - again, mummy just stare at me while i cry and cry (esp in the middle of the nights)

i am 7.5kgs - not sure what is my height though since this doc of mine doesn't take my height measurements at all

i love clapping - i can clap the whole day

i also love to imitate, especially if you're clapping or coughing - and i look darn cute imitating!

i don't sleep much at all and this includes daytime and at nights - mummy has been telling everybody that i'm not the normal baby (she claims she's done having babies and i think of course she is. afterall, i'm so cute, why want another one when she has me?!)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

My holiday at Perhentian Island

We went to Perhentian Island in the first week of June. We left home at 3am so that we can be ready for the morning speedboat at Kuala Besut into the island (as the sea would be less choppy in the mornings compared to the afternoon). I slept in the car in the first part of the journey till about 7am. I did cry now and then to get out of the car seat (either for nen-nen or to be carried) but overall, I was considered not too bad.

i had my teething biscuit to entertain me, well, for at least half an hour or so

on the speedboat

got sleepy from all that wind and bumpy ride


1st thing we arrived on the island, i helped myself to Kai Jin's playpen, the biggest I've ever seen

my first homemade porridge (sweet patatoes and rice porridge), thanks to aunty pei-see, kai jin's mom...and eversince then, i prefer porridge to rice cereal

i love aunty pei-see's cooking so much that my dinner meals throughout our stay there were all hers (actually, kai jin's) - i didn't even touch the baby food mummy brought into the island. mummy said we will come here often for holidays now since she doesn't need to crack her head on what to feed me, i can always eat what kai jin eats

my playpen, my parents didn't want me touching the sand yet

do i look sexy here?

my first time swimming

i wasn't alone in the sea

this is how i had my naps through the days there

my island family, uncle ronnie (who built the biggest playpen), aunty pei see (my favourite chef) and their beach bum baby, kai jin (my favourite beach baby!)

when it's too hot to play at the beach, this is where i'm mostly at

it's tough to get good shots of us cutie pies in the playpen, even with food to bribe us

i get to hang out at kai jin's high chair when he doesn't need it

in the evenings, i get to soak in the sea

or we go to the fresh water stream when it's too hot - the water there is really cold!

soaking again with papa

my beach baby friend, kai jin....he's really a beach bum coz he hangs out at the beach everyday! how we envy him!

i prefer hanging in my playpen than to be on the sand

kai jin came to join me too...don't we look so cute together?!

of course, kai jin's playpen got more interesting things to play with

i get scared when i see this........
papa in his 'mr. incredible' suit which scared the jeepers out of me. i would cry and cry when i see him like this, even after he came to me to tell me that it's him. it was only after few days seeing him like this, i wasn't so scared already

the other way i would have my naps throughout the days there

kai jin again, did i mention that he can swim?! well, he is not afraid of going underwater in the sea with his eyes open! even my mummy cannot do that!

this evening i didn't get to go into the water as it was going to rain and was very windy

the first time i got be left on the sand and i didn't like it one bit. kai jin was giving me the weird looks as he found it weird i didn't like his beach.

hope my next trip to the island would find me running all over and kai jin would teach me how to dive, er swim!

Some overdue updates

Miss me?! :) ....what has been happening with me?! A whole, let's see...I've got teeth! Yes 2 of them now.

Started with my top left tooth at 8 months old. Yes, I'm the unusual one as most babies will have their bottom tooth out first. Mummy got upset that she wasn't the first to know. It was papa who told her when he picked me up from Aunty Ng's as Aunty Ng was the one who found out. She's upset coz she's always 'brushing' my teeth (gums) and there wasn't any signs that I was teething (other than the clingy phase and fever too after my pneumococcal jab). Guess she was looking at the wrong space (my bottom gums) and also she thought I won't be teething so early since my sis had her first tooth at 11 months. And interestingly, a week after my top left tooth erupted, my bottom right tooth came through.

I look really goofy now since my top tooth looks kinda big but I'm still so adorable....

do u still want to kiss me?!! :D

I still wake up many times in the night (much to mummy's dismay...her water thingy didn't really work coz I will also wake up for water - after crying my lungs out, at least it's better than nothing).

I'm eating 2 times porridge at Aunty Ng's and over the weekends, it's one baby cereal in the morning and one porridge in the evenings. I drink more than 20oz of breastmilk (still 100% breastfed) in a day and loads of water in between (i like water!). I also get baby snacks at least once a day (either my teething biscuits or some baby rice crackers). I can eat a lot, a whole lot more than my sister when she was my age but I don't look fat. I got my papa's genes, he was a skinny kid.

I like standing now and love to pull myself up whether I'm holding on to people or the furnitures. My paternal grandmother, Ah Por, thinks I will start walking when I'm 9-10 months old. We shall just see.

My first words.... cher-cher, well, it's sounds more like 'teh-teh' and i can also say water = 'ah-ter'. During day time, I refuse to acknowledge the 'M' sounds, even after many times of mummy saying "Mama" or "Mum-Mum" to me. But during the nights when I want her to bring me out of my cot for my nen-nen, I will go 'mmmmamama', many, many times. It kind of works coz she will end up carrying me out of my cot and I'll be sleeping with her after that through the night on her bed. :) This was like a month ago, now I do say 'mum-mum' when it's feeding time.

I don't like my cot anymore as once you put me in, I will start crying. I now know it's a prison cell. This is why when I wake up at nights and realised I'm in the cot, I will cry and cry. When I'm too tired and realised that mummy is not coming to my aid (she looks dead asleep on the bed), I will go back to sleep on my own but if I'm not too tired, I will just continue to scream my lungs out until she carries me out from the cot.
I'm still one nosey baby. Any noise will get my attention even if I'm dead tired and falling asleep so with a noisey sister around, I get up easily after mummy just got me to bed at nights.

I don't like to be left alone, even if you leave loads and loads of toys around me. The minute you're out of my sight, I will cry and cry. And I love being carried all the time, only thing is, I also like to jerk around a lot when you carry me so you have to be careful when you do carry me. Mummy says I behave very much like a boy (I still look like one since my hair is not growing!).

Lately, I'm always squinting my eyes. Mummy is kind of worried whether it's my eye-sight or just a phase I'm going through. She will ask my doctor when I see her soon for my 2nd pneumococcal jab.

Here's some latest pictures of me....

a picture of me and my grandma, she loves kissing me whenever she sees me

with my cousin brother, jo tien, my cousin sister, ro wyn, was too fast for the camera.

my papa (blur) look

i just love my teething biscuits (and so does mummy as this is the only thing can make me sit still for so long!)

this was taken over a month ago and mummy wish i can still sit in my cot like this

topless, cute moments.....
ever since i can sit up, i can now join in my sister's fun. :)

Welcoming my new cousin brother....Shane

looks like me or not?! ;)

no, it's not my birthday but my friend, Kai Jin...the beach baby. his por por just tagged me along for the birthday song and so i tumpang glamour too

that's all folks....see how i love my teething biscuit till i fall asleep with it. :D