Friday, May 22, 2009

Mummy's entry - 7 months update and photos

Gosh, I'm so bad at updating this blog (and the other 2 blogs as well). Trust me, I do feel guilty about the lack of posts here but seriously, maintaining 3 blogs is no joke!

what r u looking at? i know my bum's too cute. :)

Anyway, when Haye Li reached 6 months old, (seems to be a trend again), this girl was having a fever and we were supposed to take her for her pneumococcal jab. Hence, she escaped the jab for that time but had some medication to take instead for her flu and cough which doesn't seem to go away. Today at 7 months, she is still coughing with phelgm. I'm not that worried in a way as her appetite is still good (taking 2 solids of baby cereal and around 20 plus oz of breastmilk a day). We took her to see her paed last week but found out that her paed was on leave till end of the month, so we have to take her in for her jab next month instead. Thus, I'm not sure about her current weight and height (the last time we were there which was when she was 6 months and she was 6.7kgs). This girl seems to grow taller faster as she's outgrowing her clothes in terms of her length. I think she will be taller than me one day. I can't say the same for her sister though. :)

every single thing that i pick up will go into my mouth

She can sit up proper now, crawl around pretty fast too and thus, we can't leave her unattended anymore. She tries to stand when she's in her cot but it's a wobbly stand. But she's definitely more stable if she pulls herself up on her knees. Within these few weeks, she should be pretty stable in her standing position already. She seems to be growing faster than her sister too in terms of these except for her hair (which doesn't seem to grow at all since she was born).

Like her sister, she eats better at the daycare than at home. She finishes everything fast there but when she's at home, she takes so long to finish her cereal. I think I need to offer Aunty Ng to stay with us over the weekends already. :)

i prefer the taste of the high chair to my food

my infamous 'blur' look - mummy always say i remind her of papa, we look so much alike!

She is waking up so many times in the night, it's not funny anymore. I think a newborn sleeps longer than her now. I've heard how you can train a baby to sleep through the night by giving them water instead of milk and was never a firm believer in this. In fact, I had a conversation with SIL on this a few months back that it's so sad to give newborns water instead of milk. I never did this with Rye Li as she was a small baby and I thought she needed all the milk she can get and this meant even if I had to wake up 2-3 times a night then. But Rye Li didn't wake up that many times in the night.

outdoors tanning. :)

The last few months, Haye Li has been waking up 3-4 times a night and at times more than that. She will be asleep by 9pm and then wakes up at 11 or 12 pm. And then every 2 hours after that. She just want my boobs to comfort her. The past one week, I could not take it anymore that I resorted into giving her water especially if she wakes up before 3am. It was tough because she was unhappy and kept crying and I just patted her on her back and refused to give in. After the 4th or 5th night like this, she finally woke up slightly later which is around 2am plus. I'm still training her but most times, I'm too tired and will give in to her cries and ultimately, my boob. I look horrible, really like a panda bear. Think I've aged a thousand years, minus the white hair. I'm just praying and hoping that the girl will wake up lesser now. She still catnaps in the day and one would think that she'll be very tired at nights but this girl is not like any other babies I know. The in-laws are in town and I found out that her papa was like this when he was a baby. No wonder! These two rats are really alike, very demanding baby! :D

how can one stay angry for long with a face like this?!


may said...

wow.. time flies.
first pix, haye li looks so cheecky, and nice seeing her developments month after month, (of course minus the "party" every nite).
It looks like she'll be starts walking on her own soon.
Valerie also likes to put whatever that she's holding into her mouth esp her fingers and toes. Likes to eat those "uneatable" stuff.
Eh, is she eating sausages?? hehe.. can ah?

KittyCat said...

6 months old already and teething biscuits! It HAS been fast!

Hmm...I think Haye Li looks like you and Rye Li looks like Hubby? Both girls certainly have their own look.

She's so cute lah - just want to pick her up and squeeze her!

ryeli said...

may - not sausages la, teething biscuits. this girl now acts as if she's got teeth although not even one tooth in sight. when i give her those crunchy baby biscuits, she looks like she's biting. haha.

kittycat - ur the first to say that she looks like me la. everyone says she looks like hubby!